Weekly Online Saturday Kriya & Meditation

Learn how to meditate as I use specially calibrated hand-made tools and guide you step by step into meditative awareness. Invest ONE HOUR ONLINE every week with me to make mindfulness your way of living. Build a strong foundation to Master all-round prosperity, peace, joy, and bliss

Abundance Workshops

Unique workshop that Unlocks Multi-level Abundance Mindset FOREVER!!!

You are Unique!

Proudly proclaim your “UNicheness”©

Transformation evolves you!

Induce well-being around with positive transformation

You are Limitless!

Break the chains of self-created limiting beliefs 


Power Coaching Sessions

A unique coaching methodology that shifts your mindset effortlessly from Force to the Power zone. It helps in transforming you to achieve your life goals by unlocking your true potential as you define, strategize, plan and execute to succeed across all dimensions of your life.

Break the chains

Stress Free Sessions

Stress is the biggest killer and it is the major door for diseases to enter our body.
There are different modalities like Sound, Alignment, Meditation, NLP techniques and many more, which can be used.
With your help I can put you into a Stress Free State in few minutes.

Sound and Vibration in Nature

Self Discovery Sessions

Constant Coaching and Consultation is required to reach out and embrace the Uniqueness of your life, to break free from your habit patterns, behavioral issues, past issues, to unleash a new mindset and to reach new heights in your personal life, career, and business.

Hi, I AM


a Wellness Coach, Trainer and Speaker, who has dedicated his life to “Create Wellness” in people’s lives. I help people master their minds to manage stress, achieve sound mind and body health, realize their potential and effortlessly walk the path of abundance. After years of dedicated learning and practicing, today, I can effortlessly guide people to self-acceptance, answer their own questions and clear their vision to self-discover their potential.

“I was lost before I worked with Anurag’s Stress Masters Program.”

“Now I am completely stress free and able to take the professional and personal challenges which life throws at me.

Anand Singh

TV Star, Writer & Media Personality

“I welcome each day with a smile”

“I don’t have Hypertension anymore.

My married life is now, full of joy and happiness”

I recommend you to attend Anurag’s course

Vijay Bhagavatheeswaran

Senior Technology Manager, Commonwealth Bank of Australia

Now I am totally stress free.

“I joined Yoga classes to relax myself but stress was not going. Then I met Anurag and did his Stress Masters Program.

Now I am totally stress free. I know when stress is attacking me and how to deal with it in each and every scenario of life. It is an amazing course”

Radha Sinha

Sales Associate, Phillips Australia

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