Stress is one of the most common causes of Brain Fog. In this Blog, I give you “The Ultimate Guide to Clear Stress-created ‘Brain Flog’ with meditation”

Brain fatigue and lack of focus are the main symptoms of Brain fog caused due to stress. Brain fog not only weakens your memory and creates difficulties over conversations, but also creates nervousness and anxiety in you. You will experience increased forgetfulness and your thinking will become hazy.

To read and understand about brain fog in detail, you can read my blog

If you look at your symptoms, you will very easily conclude that you need to relax, create more focus and still your mind for some time so your mind can rejuvenate – but how? The good news is that you can achieve all of this with meditation. It is proven that meditation can help reduce:

  1. Anxiety
  2. Stress
  3. Depression
  4. High Blood Pressure
  5. Sleep problems
  6. Tension Headaches
  7. Chronic pain
  8. Brain Fog

Having said that, will the same technique of meditation help in reducing the above issues? Is there a specific type of meditation that should be practiced for a certain situation?

The answer is “Yes, there are many types of meditation and each type gives a specific result”.
  1. Mantra Meditation: When you chant a Mantra and meditate, the power of vibrations created by the recital of the mantras helps you to relax and transcend the mind. The Mantra should be taken from an enlightened Master, who understands your nature and accordingly gives you a specific mantra.
  2. Awareness / Mindfulness Meditation: When you become an observer and see everything as a 3rd party, you go beyond your thoughts – this is called Awareness meditation.
  3. Guided Meditation: This is where someone guides you through the entire meditation in a step-by-step process. I practice the “6-Step Nirmal Meditation” technique created by Guruji Prem Nirmal. This is one of the most effective and powerful guided meditation technique in my experience.
  4. Sound Meditation (Nada Meditation): When you meditate with sound and vibrations created using calibrated bowls and pipes, this is called sound meditation. This meditation should be done under the guidance of a Sound practitioner.
  5. Jyoti Meditation (Meditation on Flame): This meditation is done by focusing on the flame of a Diya or Candle. This meditation should be done under the guidance of a practitioner.
  6. Breath Meditation: A person can perform certain breathing techniques (Pranayam, Kriya Yoga etc.) learnt under the guidance of a Master or practitioner and then follow it up with meditation.

There are many more types of meditation but here, I have mentioned the few most prevalent techniques.

So, are all the above techniques good for brain fog removal? Before I answer this question let me write some issues created because of people’s misconceptions about meditation.

In general, people think meditation is only to relax your mind and so, some people sleep during meditation and considered this as normal. But is this meditation? No – meditation is a state of mind where you relax but at the same time, you are alert and aware.

For non-practitioners or inaccurate practices of meditation, being in a state of relaxation and alertness/awareness at the same time is not possible.

Some people complain that they have a foggy brain after meditation – again, this is not possible if you are truly practicing and meditating right. These symptoms generally happen due to chemical imbalances or following incorrect methods of meditation – this makes you feel more drowsy or non-focused after a failed attempt at meditation.

Now, to answer the question: Which meditation is good for removing Brain Fog? I recommend Jyoti / Candle Flame meditation.

Step-by-step guide to performing this meditation

The ideal time to perform this meditation during twilight to get the best results (if this is not possible, choose a time of the day when it is peaceful around you):

  1. You need to create a Diya (Indian lamp) using Ghee (Indian butter), Cotton to make a wick or simply take a candle.
  2. Sit straight in a comfortable posture
  3. Place the Diya or candle in front of you 2 to 3 feet away.
  4. The height of the Diya or candle should be at the height of your third eye i.e. leveled at the area between your eyebrows
  5. First, take 10 deep breaths and then focus your eyes on the tip of the flame
  6. Look at the flame tip without blinking, till your eyes get watery (you should not hurt your eyes if you feel any type of discomfort please stop this practice)
  7. Now, close your eyes and meditate
  8. You will see the shadow of the flame with your closed eyes. Focus on it
  9. Perform this practice every day

Jyoti Tratak

With constant practice, you will start to see your focus and concentration power increasing. It is my recommendation that if you want to practice Jyoti Meditation, you learn it from a practitioner. I will be happy to teach anyone interested – please send me a message on my website (

Word of Caution:

 If you feel a burning sensation in your eyes, wash your eyes with clean cool water and stop the Jyoti meditation practice. If this issue continues, please consult a doctor. If you have weak eyes or a certain eye condition, please practice this meditation only after consulting your doctor.

Focus on the light, Stay Healthy and Stress-free!! 

Anurag Sahai