25% of the world’s population is affected by Anxiety and Hypertension. While anxiety does not cause long-lasting hypertension, it does create spikes in your blood pressure. Regular episodes of anxiety can lead to Hypertension which can damage your heart and kidneys.
Regular exercise has been associated with reduced blood pressure in observational epidemiologic studies and through clinical trials. Making exercise a habit can help lower your blood pressure. Yoga also helps in lowering your blood pressure, but this needs to be done under the supervision of a health practitioner.

As per the study, three points are very important:

  1. Exercise should be Regular
  2. The intensity of your Exercise should be increased once in a while
  3. Set aside at least 30 to 60 minutes for your daily exercise

So, exercising or indulging in more physical activities can lower your systolic blood pressure by 4.80mmHg and your diastolic blood pressure by 3.19mmHg. For some people, getting a bit of exercise every day is enough to reduce the need for blood pressure medication.

Aerobic activities can be an effective way to control high blood pressure. What is aerobic activity? All physical activity that increases your heart rate and breathing rate is considered an aerobic activity. A few activities listed here: Household chores – such as mowing the lawn, gardening, active sports, climbing the stairs, swimming, walking, jogging, cycling, dancing etc.

Let me narrate a simple story to you.

There was a very rich, obese prince who loved a princess dearly. Every time he would be in front of her, he would start getting anxiety attacks, would start to stammer and he would freeze. Although he had a heart of gold, he could not talk to her with ease and confidence.
One day, the prince was travelling through the jungle where he came across a physically fit and joyful man. There as something this man that made the prince instantly comfortable and when he was offered some refreshments, he happily accepted. While both were eating, the prince spoke about the princess and how much trouble he was facing just talking to her. The young man had a way with words and the prince asked for his help, which the young man happily agreed.

The young man asked the prince to first drop him off to his house which was just outside the jungle. The prince readily agreed and as they started this journey, the prince realized that they had only one horse between them. Before eth prince could realize, the young man took to the saddle and started riding the horse, leaving the prince alone to walk behind him. The prince became really angry but since he was not familiar with the jungle, the prince had no choice but to walk behind the young man.

The journey started where the prince kept walking, resting in bits and eating the fruits available in the jungle. The prince realized after a few days that it was more than 7 days that they had started the journey and the young man’s village was nowhere in sight. Upon asking, the young man said: “We are nearly there”. The prince had no choice but to keep walking. Before the prince knew it, 40 days had passed where the prince was walking on foot through the jungle and nourishing himself with fruits from trees and water from the river.

Soon, the village was in sight – the prince had made up his mind to get the young man beheaded once this ordeal was over. As they entered the village, the young man took out a mirror and asked the prince to look at himself. The prince looked at his reflection and was amazed to find a lean, handsome man staring back at him. The prince also realized that he had not felt this strong and healthy in a very long time.

The young man apologised to the prince for his attitude and said, “I wanted to solve the root cause of your problem, which was lack of exercise. All the anxiety and other health issues were stemming from the sedentary lifestyle that you had embraced without adequate physical activities. Now you are fit and this will give you the confidence to propose to the princess.”

The prince went back to his city and soon got married to his childhood sweetheart. The young man became the health minister in the king’s cabinet.

So, what do you need to do to avoid High Blood Pressure and Anxiety attacks?

Exercise and Blood Pressure

  1. Fix a time for your daily exercise today
  2. Exercise at least 30 to 60 minutes every day
  3. Increase the intensity of the exercises after a few days and define new limits
  4. Perform household activities like mopping, mowing, etc.
  5. Take the stairs as far as possible
  6. Perform physical activities that temporarily increase your heart rate

See you next week with another insight…till then, Stay Active, Stay Healthy and Stress-free