One of the reasons why people fail in stress is because they lack exercise. Exercise is one of the best ways to succeed in life. People think exercise is only for physical health, weight reduction etc. But it is a recipe to success if you utilize its full potential. There are effects of exercise on your body and mind which can change its wiring for success. 

How exercise helps your brain to be rewired for success? The answer is:  

  1. The Brain gets wired for Discipline: When you are exercising at the same time every day you are wiring your brain for discipline. Discipline is one of the foremost virtues which you need for success.
  2. The Brain gets wired for achieving goals: As you set your goals for exercise and achieve them every day or every week. Your brain becomes stronger to achieve goals set by you. So, when you are exercising you train your brain to achieve goals. 
  3. Helps you break bad habits: It is easy for you to fall prey to your bad habits like watching TV after the day’s work or eating indiscreetly when you are frustrated. You can come out of your habits as your brain is disciplined by exercise. It is a lack of discipline which puts you in bad habits. So, the trained disciplined mind can find a way out of the habit.
  4. Helps you harnessing Fighting Spirit: Goal setting and achieving them in exercises gives you fighting spirit. This can be used for achieving your goals in other spheres of life. You might be in a situation where you are surrounded by negative scenarios like a nagging boss, failure at work etc. But your fighting spirit helps you to pass through these negative scenarios easily. 
  5. Helps you sharpen your brain: Exercise helps sharpen your brain. It helps creates alertness in body and mind. 
  6. Helps you creating team spirit: If you exercise with your team and have fun outdoors you can become a good team player and create a good team.
  7. Helps you in fighting Stress: By exercising you reverse the stress chemistry of the body. In stress, if you exercise you will loosen the grip of stress. Cool minded people succeed in their work
  8. Helps you in creating healthy body: You can succeed easily in life if you have a healthy body. A Healthy body also helps to create a healthy mind.

Failure and Exercise

In one of the Business College, there was a girl named Eva, who wanted to become a successful CEO one day. She was good at studies but she was not disciplined. One day she spoke to her professor if he can recommend her to be an apprentice of a CEO. Professor wrote a recommendation letter to her to his CEO friend. The first day when Eva went to meet the CEO she was very happy. She was made in charge of creating and keeping the CEO’s schedule. She noticed the CEO was very regular about his exercise schedule. He uses to adjust his important meetings but barely changes his exercise schedules.  

Eva got curious one day she asked the CEO, “Why you give so much importance to exercise? You are fit and can do without exercise for few days.” 

CEO smiled,” Do you think I do it only for fitness? No, it is much more than that. It makes me disciplined, sharpens my brain, helps me fight stress, the list is endless. In short, I sharpen my CEO skills with exercise. 

Eva got the key to success. She thanked him for his insight. From that day she started working out every day.  

In today’s competitive world it is required that you stay ahead of your competitors. Without that, you cannot taste success. Where stress can be very detrimental for your growth, exercise can be a very easy but powerful antidote for it. 

 So, start exercising today.  

See you next week. Till then, Keep Exercising, Stay Healthy and Stress-free!!