You would have noticed that when we are stressed, you find it very difficult to efficiently deal with the tasks on hand. Your success rate goes down and you start to experience failure.

So, what happens when you face failure caused due to stress?

When you are in chronic stress:

  1. Your Brain size can reduce
  2. Your brain parts can stop communicating with each other
  3. You can have mental issues later in your life
  4. You will be hit with a tsunami of stress chemicals
  5. You will damage your heart or any other organ due to continuous stress

All the above symptoms are the recipe for failure. Once your mind and body are not performing at their peak or at least to their optimum capacity, you will see a considerable drop in your success rate.

So, how do you come out of this vicious circle of stress and failure, where it is hard to tell what came first – Stress or failure?

An easy but very powerful remedy for this is Meditation. What does meditation give you?

Meditation helps you in:

  1. Enhancing your Memory
  2. Focusing
  3. Killing negative Emotions
  4. Coming out of your Depressing thoughts
  5. Reducing Stress
  6. Reducing Anxiety
  7. Reducing Brain Fog
  8. Reducing High Blood Pressure
  9. Reducing Chronic Pain
  10. Reducing Sleep Problems
  11. Disciplining yourself

With enhanced memory, focus and control over your emotions you are set for success. Meditation not only helps you with your current depressing thoughts but also saves you from future stress and anxiety attacks. This gives you the essential elements required for success.

Failure and Meditation

Once upon a time, there was a boy named Arjun who wanted to become a great archer. He was a good archer, but he wanted to become the best. He used to practice every day but after a while, he stopped progressing in his skills. A time came when the harder he tried, the worse were the results. One day he decided to ask his teacher for help. His teacher heard him carefully and said, “We will start practising tomorrow.” Next morning, as both of them stood in the practice arena, the Teacher asked Arjun, “Before you shoot the arrow let me know what is going on in your mind.” Arjun said, “I am thinking of hitting the bullseye.” The Teacher said, “Stand down. I know you will not succeed today.” Arjun was surprised, felt hurt but insisted on trying. The moment he shot the arrow, he missed the mark and his head went down in shame. His teacher then told him lovingly, “Trust me. I know what your problem is. Just follow my instructions.” Arjun felt calmer and nodded in affirmation.

The Teacher took Arjun to a forest and when they came to a stream, he asked Arjun to clear a place under a tree where Arjun could sit comfortably.

The Teacher asked Arjun to close his eyes and meditate until he thoughts and biases stop bothering him. Arjun practised this daily for 3 months till he became thoughtless while meditating.

Now the Teacher took Arjun to the practice arena and asked him to practice.

As Arjun took his aim, the teacher asked him, “What are you thinking?” Arjun said, “Nothing”

The teacher asked,” What do you see?” Arjun said, “The target”

The teacher said,” Shoot” and Arjun hit the bull’s eye with ease.

Arjun asked happily “What was wrong with me? How is it that without practising for the past few months I seem to have become better?”

The teacher said, “There was nothing wrong with your skills. It was your mind which was stressed by your obsession to become a champion. That’s why I asked you to meditate and clear your head of the stress, so you can succeed.”

Arjun bowed to his teacher in reverence for the valuable lesson.

So, what do you need to do when you are failing?

  1. Take a break from the task on hand
  2. Look at the reason behind your failures
  3. If it is stress, then sit for a few minutes in meditation
  4. You will experience clarity in your mind
  5. Your awareness will increase
  6. And, with a clear mind and high awareness success will be yours!

See you next week. Till then, Keep Meditating, Stay Healthy and Stress-free!!