What do you think about Anger?

Is it a motivator or a destroyer?

“F*** YOU!!!”

“YOU are a dumbass!!!”

“I will show him WHO I AM!!!”

“Am I Talking to a WALL?!!”

Have you heard the above outbursts around you?

Today stress and anger are considered essential motivators for success. Anger is also glorified to show that you are powerful and important. It is a fashion to display stress and anger. In short, if you are busy with an important work, you should be stressed, and you can show anger – as if anger is a perk.

It is normal for a human to have anger as an emotion but having an anger issue is a serious problem. As per studies, 9% i.e. 22 million American adults have a history of impulsive angry behavior and have access to at least one gun. This proves the destructive nature of anger and its results in the recent past.

We know suppressing your anger is also unhealthy. So, the question arises – should we express our anger or not? Releasing your anger is good, the best way is to talk it out and recognizing that anger is an outcome of self-defeating negative thoughts.

But still, the question remains on how to avoid the anger generated by anxiety and stress? The simple answer is Create A Positive Environment. What is a positive environment?

It is an environment where we feel happy and safe. Most of us feel this way when we are given the environment where we

  1. Can express our ideas freely
  2. Do not feel discriminated
  3. Have the freedom of creation
  4. Are recognized for our work
  5. Are trusted
  6. Can have fun
  7. Have opportunities to lead the way

When you are in a positive environment, you can freely talk about things that make you angry.

Let me tell you a story of a wise king who understood the power of a positive environment.

In the ancient city of Varanasi lived a king named Vikram.  He ruled the whole of the Indian subcontinent and was the king who looked into the welfare of his subjects personally. He used to visit the cities in disguise so he could understand the issues of his kingdom first-hand.

One night as he was walking outside his city walls near the banks of the river Ganga, he saw a bright light. Upon seeing closely, he saw the image of a beautiful divine lady walking away from his city walls.

Vikram asked,” Who are you, mother?”

The lady smiled and said, “I am the Goddess of wealth.”

Vikram bowed in gratitude and asked, “Where are you going at this hour?”

Goddess of wealth replied, “I am bored in your kingdom. I want to go away for some time.”

Vikram knew if the Goddess leaves, his kingdom will become poor. But he did not stop the Goddess and bowing his head said,” As you wish, Goddess”

After that night, Vikram saw the divine powers leaving his city – the Gods of welfare, Goddess of Food, Gods of Health and so on. All the Gods and Goddess of prosperity went away and Vikram accepted the fate. However, he was not disheartened or discouraged – so, he kept working towards the welfare of his kingdom.

One night, Vikram saw the Goddess of Truth and Wisdom leaving too. He bowed and said, “Goddess, I am your devotee and I have done nothing wrong. I cannot allow you to go. The positive environment which is still prevailing in my kingdom is due to your grace. My people are anxious, disturbed and angry due to their failures and they are scared. Still, they are talking freely and performing their work in peace because of the Truth and Wisdom still left in them. We can fight poverty, hunger, health, and other issues till we have a positive environment around us and this can only happen with Your grace.”

The Goddess of Truth and Wisdom smiled and said, “As you wish, I will not go.”

After a few, days Vikram saw that condition of his kingdom started improving and slowly he found himself greeting and welcoming back the Gods and Goddess into his kingdom. He welcomed them all with an open heart full of gratitude. Soon, his kingdom was back to its old glory and prosperity.

We can see as in this story, no matter what life throws at you, you can deal with all the stress and anger that arises within you if you chose to stay in a positive environment.

Anger and Positive Environment

So, how will you deal with your anger?

  1. Create a positive environment
  2. Make friends in this environment
  3. Create an open communication channel
  4. Improve your communication skills
  5. Have the patience to listen to others point of view
  6. Express your points that make you angry with a dialogue
  7. Exert your knowledge to understand the root cause of your anger
  8. Realize that your negative outlook is the root cause of your anger
  9. Earn the respect of others and give others their due respect

As you create a Positive Environment to combat your Anger issues…Enjoy Life, Stay Healthy and Stress-Free!!