Everybody keeps talking about Blood Pressure and how taking blood pressure medication is the only way to manage it. Statistically, this is a valid statement but experientially, I have something to share. I will start with the statistics, followed by my experiences and will leave it to you, dear reader, to draw a robust conclusion.

As per WHO (World Health Organization) statistics, high blood pressure causes 7.5 million deaths. This directly means that 12.8% of the worldwide deaths are caused by high blood pressure – this is a significant number.

The risk of cardiovascular diseases increases with every incremental 20/10mm Hg of blood pressure, starting as low as 115/75 mmHg. 40% of adults aged 25 were detected with high blood pressure in 2008. 1.13 billion people were suffering from high blood pressure in 2015 as compared to 594 million people in 1975. This increase has been seen largely in low-income and middle-income countries.

This increase in blood pressure is attributed to the consumption of high amounts of Sodium and canned food. The foods that do not go well with high blood pressure are:

  1. Salt (For most people, sodium is the main cause)
  2. Processed Foods and Pizza
  3. Cheese with high Sodium
  4. Sandwiches (mainly due to refined flour, processed meats, preservatives in some)
  5. Alcohol
  6. Added Sugar (More dangerous than salt in processed foods)
  7. Frozen Fish, Frozen Seafood
  8. Energy Drinks, Carbonated sugar drinks
  9. Caffeine
  10. Licorice (It has been long used as a flavoring agent in chewing tobacco, candies, spices and as a medical product to cure some gastrointestinal and upper respiratory disorders)
Junk food matrix

Studies have shown that change in dietary and nutrition habits reduces hypertension. So, this article will discuss Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH).

So, what should you eat to manage your blood pressure? Here is a ready-reckoner you can refer to, that will help you plan your day to day meals:

  1. Sodium: Take 1.15 to 2.3grams of salt per day
  2. Potassium: Include food which have natural potassium eg. Avocado
  3. Magnesium: Deficiency of Magnesium results in high blood pressure – so include banana, figs etc.
  4. Leafy greens: Beet greens, Kale, Spinach etc.
  5. Fruits: Avocado, Apricots, Bananas, Grapes, Mangoes, Melons, Oranges, Peaches, Pineapples, Strawberries, Tangerines
  6. Vegetables: Carrots, Collards, Green beans, Broccoli, Green peas, Squash, Sweet potatoes, Tomatoes
  7. Lima Beans, black beans, chickpeas
  8. Nuts and seeds, dates and raisins
  9. Tuna Fish, Salmon or Omega 3 supplements
  10. Use natural oil like Olive Oil, Coconut oil, Mustard oil. Avoid Refined Oils or hydrogenated oil

By looking at the above list, you can safely conclude that your diet plan rich in fruits, vegetables, fish, nuts and legumes will help in reducing your blood pressure. These foods are high in key nutrients such as potassium, magnesium, calcium, fiber, and protein and a conscious attempt to include these in your food will give you results that will surprise you pleasantly.

When I joined the corporate world, I was fascinated and ready to live a fast-paced glittering lifestyle. However, very soon I came to understand that in the corporate world, there are a few common patterns:

  1. Performance-oriented work
  2. Competition (Both healthy and unhealthy)
  3. Calls on mobile (It could be any time of the day)
  4. Pizza and other fast foods
  5. Late night work
  6. Parties and free-flowing alcohol
  7. Unhealthy sleeping habits

So, as you can imagine – I was creating and having a recipe of stress every single day. Thus, it did not come as a surprise when I would find myself under the weather quite often with cold, cough, fever and stomach infection. Soon came the day when I was diagnosed with a rare kind of Hepatitis. This came and hit me when I was least expecting it – I had a new, swanky role, climbing the corporate ladder as I had always dreamt I would.

While I was out of office for over 6 weeks, I went back in time to study the root cause of my situation. The first thing I realized was that the primary cause of my situation was What I Had Been Eating! The food that I had eaten while at work was a recipe laden with preservatives, reaped through pesticides and this took a massive toll on my immune system.

After all, the immune system also has a limit to which it can fight, defend and one day, it collapsed. Excess sodium (processed cheese, salt etc.) and undisciplined sleep habits created a brain fog – this contributed to weakening my immune system.

In this state, I had been like a robot doing a pre-designated set of activities and practically eating without discretion. This further deteriorated my situation and one day when I was eating out with my colleagues, my liver could not cope and the next thing I knew was that I was in the hospital, diagnosed with a Hepatitis that had not been recorded in the past decade or so – it was so rare.

My doctor laughed sympathetically and said, “If this is the way you will continue to live, soon you will end up with high blood pressure, as you now a borderline case.” I knew instinctively this was my wake up call. I had to understand this more…

Food Choice and Stress

Slowly with a lot of reading, researching, talking to the right people, I understood how important the little organ called the Liver in our body is!

We hardly talk about it – everyone talks about heart, brain, stomach, muscles, bones, nerves, even blood vessels – I had not heard too many passionate conversations about the Liver – one of the most complex, resilient and critical parts of our body.

I also understood that there is no medicine which can treat liver issues – medicines can only offer prevention. The secret revealed to me over those weeks and months that you don’t need medicines to treat your liver – it will mend itself as long as you eat the right food and adopt a healthy lifestyle regime.

If the food is not right for the body, generally the blood pressure would increase, or one would end up with diabetes. My rigorous schedule and careless eating habits had gifted me Hepatitis.

This experience was a clear warning and a message at the same time. I made dramatic changes in my eating habits consciously including fruits, greens, and vegetables. I curtailed wheat, rice and fine grains from my food. Over a short time-frame, this improved my immune system, improved the condition of my liver and kept my blood pressure in check.

I also ensure now that from time to time, I give my system some ‘rest’ and have included intermittent fasting which gives my digestive organs the break needed to detoxify themselves and ‘charge back’.

I had tasted success with minimal efforts – I promised myself that I would never give up this new-found freedom and go back to my old ways. I have kept my promise and till this date, my body has kept its end of the promise!

Fruits Veggies and Stress

Now, with the hope that you have got some answers, Do What I Did and enjoy the results:

  1. Eat greens and vegetables: These should comprise the majority of your meal portion. Eat fresh organic fruits, vegetables, and leafy greens lavishly!
  2. Eat very small portions of wholegrain wheat, rice, and beans
  3. Include food that has nutrients like potassium and magnesium
  4. Keep yourself hydrated – drink enough water
  5. Eat on time – dinner time should be no later than 6 pm
  6. Avoid Alcohol and caffeine
  7. Avoid dairy products (If you need to, use low-fat milk)
  8. Sleep on time (3-4 hours after dinner)

Till I come back with my next experience, Eat Well, Stay Healthy and Stress-Free!!