Brain fog sees no age! It can strike anyone of any age anytime! You could be a young man/woman in their 20’s or someone who has crossed their 60’s, you will stay prone to Brain Fog depending on situations in your life. You will experience the inability to focus on the work at hand or you are not able to learn a certain skill/subject or you find it difficult to recall/remember specifics. We all might think this happens once in a while with everyone, but this is not normal and should not be taken as normal, no matter what your age. I have heard many say, “Old age brings these issues of memory and lack of focus”, but I can assure you this is not true. This is an issue which needs resolution and the good news is that there is a solution.

In my previous blog, I discussed the many symptoms and reasons that cause brain fog – you can read about this by clicking here:

Today I will talk about another major reason for brain fog: Lack of nutrition – which in turn, causes stress. The nutrition-related issues that cause stress are:

  1. Lack of Required Nutrition in Food: Our food should be the main source of nutrients to our body. Without nutrients, the body gets diseases and causes brain inflammation, which in turn, causes brain fog. Protein is essential for brain health as it is one of the building blocks of the brain. Other nutrients which are required for a healthy brain are iron, B Vitamins, and Vitamin B12. Along with these vitamins, plant-based food (Vegetables, leafy greens, certain berries, and fruits etc.), right fat and protein can bring down the inflammation in the brain and thus prevent brain fog.  
  2. Imbalance of Sugar in the Body: When there is high or low sugar in the body, it creates sugar imbalance. Sugar imbalance affects the brain negatively and creates brain fog. When we do not eat nutritious food or do not eat on time, we lack energy. This lack of energy creates blood sugar imbalance, which causes brain fog. To fill this gap in energy, we take high carb or high sugar food. This sugar, again, will create sugar imbalance leading to brain fog.
  3. Disruption in Internal Ecosystem: Bacteria and other microbiomes create your internal ecosystem. This ecosystem, as our immune system, is our body’s the first line of defence. These bacteria are found all over the body, but here I am discussing the bacteria and microbiomes found in the gut. These microbiomes not only help us in digestion but also help to create our immune system.

This ecosystem, however, gets destroyed by chemicals and stress. Chemicals can come in our body as pesticides or long-term use of heavy medications, alcohol, drugs etc. Chemical kills your gut bacteria and microbiomes and this results in bad digestion, leaky gut, and a poor immune system. These gut issues rob you of your energy and cause brain fog. With a weak gut, whatever you eat (nutrients or organic food etc.) will not give you desired results because your internal ecosystem is not able to absorb this food. The internal ecosystem must be cured first through natural probiotics and specific foods.

So, foods which cause Brain Fog are:

  1. Wheat with high gluten
  2. Rice with high gluten
  3. Refined carbohydrate
  4. Refined sugar
  5. Artificial sweeteners
  6. Dairy foods (If you are allergic or not able to digest it)
  7. Caffeine
  8. Alcohol
  9. Any type of food you are allergic to or contains histamines

When I was working in a Bank, I had a friend who was highly involved in his work and as it happens in the corporate world, the more you get involved at the office, more you get away from your good habits of eating and sleeping. This created a lot of stress in his system. He had to take an emergency leave before he could complete his project as he was not able to think straight or focus at work. His memory also started fading one fine day. The doctor told him that these are symptoms of brain fog and that for him the main cause was incorrect diet and food habits. The doctor put him on a plant-based diet, supplemented with vitamins. He had to take a leave of absence for 2 weeks to reverse the symptoms before he could be fit enough to get back to work. If brain fog is diagnosed in its initial stages, nutrition is a very effective (and easy) way to reverse its symptoms.

So, what should be included in our diet to avoid Brain fog?

  1. Eat fresh fruits like avocado etc.
  2. Add probiotic food or naturally probiotic substitute in your daily food
  3. Eat nuts
  4. Drink coconut water
  5. Take honey
  6. Add sweet potatoes
  7. Add leafy greens
  8. Include blueberries and blackberries
  9. Take organic vegetables
  10. Use extra virgin olive oil
  11. Use coconut oil
  12. Eat almond flour
  13. Drink almond milk
  14. Take cassava flour
  15. Use stevia or coconut sugar
  16. Eat eggs
  17. Use organic poultry, meat or fish

Eat well, Stay Healthy and Stress-free!!