You must have seen aged people getting Foggy Brain. You might also have come across youngsters who suffer from Brain Fog!!  

If you eliminate lack of Sleep, Nutrition, Water and other common issues that cause brain fog, then you will find one behaviour in common with such people i.e. they are choosing to be a couch potato.  

Make sure you are NOT one of them…!! 

If you are sleeping well, eating nutritious food, keeping yourself sufficiently hydrated and do not have medical conditions, then one of the potential causes of brain fog could be that you might be spending too much time in front of your computer or a television. You might be filling your mind with aimless data and you are not changing your scenario often. 

Brain Fog and Exercise

Let’s look at how unaware and indiscrete usage of technology is helping brain fog. When you sit in front of a computer or a television, in the beginning, your mind is focused on the screen. But after some time when the brain is tired, you do not realize it and continue to watch your program on the TV or computer. There is a compulsion in you to keep the television or computer running. The compulsion does not let you switch off the technology in use. I have seen people dose-off in front of the TV or their electronic device, but they will not switch it off!  

What happens is that the blue screen and the surround system mesmerizes your brain and almost creates a hypnotic environment. When you are using the same technology for the same program again and again, you start conditioning your subconscious mind. Now, this becomes a compulsive habit to watch TV and that program at that specific time. This also limits your brain capacity to adapt to change. You will only like to do a select few things and your brain will be filled with fog when you are trying to do new things or are exposed to new scenarios. You will feel as if someone has chained other parts of your brain. 

A quick solution to brain fog in the above scenario is to get up and take a walk. Walking is one of the best exercises that will clear your brain fog. The best thing is that this can be done by youngsters as well as seniors. Walking benefits you by: 

  1. Reducing the risk of developing lifethreatening diseases:  Regular walking can help you avoid heart attacks and strokes, Blood pressure etc.
  2. Slowing down the Ageing process: Studies have shown that 90 days of regular walking helped people change their actual age! 
  3. Preventing Diabetes: 30minutes of walking makes your muscles more sensitive to insulin. 
  4. Curing Brain Fog: Studies have shown that walking can counter memory issues for people who are over the age of 50. Walking also increases the production of neurons, synapses and blood vessels. It helps to improve the communication signals in the brain. 
  5. Reducing Stress: Your mood is uplifted due to walking and it also helps in cases of depression and anxiety. Changing the scenario allows your brain to use its other faculties which eases off stress in the most used parts of the brain.  
  6. Losing Weight: Walking helps you in reducing your weight. 
  7. Boosting your immune system: Helps you boosts your immune system and lowering the risk of muscular degeneration and arthritis.    

So, what do you have to do? 

  1. Do not sit too long in front of the Television or Computer etc. 
  2. Keep changing your environment as much as possible 
  3. Fix a time in your daily schedule for walking 
  4. Walk at least 30minutes daily 
  5. Select a path for your daily walk 
  6. Walk in the company of a friend or partner 
  7. Walk in a natural habitat as much as possible 
  8. Sometimes make it a family event so it becomes a fun activity 

See you next week. Till then, Keep Walking, Stay Healthy and Stress-free!!