Brain fog is one of the most disturbing and annoying conditions one encounters today. It can happen to anyone! The irony is that people do not realize what has struck them till it has already taken a bad shape and needs urgent intervention. We feel quite normal when we are not able to focus, or we forget something suddenly. The added complication is that we are not able to notice the frequency of these occurrences, till it becomes a very frequent daily affair which is when we take notice of this issue. Now what is needed is perseverance and patience to clear this issue.   

What I want to talk about is a phenomenal tip to avoid brain fog – this is achieved by tackling one of the most prevalent causes of brain fog i.e. dehydration. Yes, it is proven that you can avoid brain fog by keeping yourself hydrated. 

We know that our brain is 75% water. Now, due to less water in the body, the nutrients do not reach the brain and the toxins released by the brain cannot be removed as effectively as they would be in the hydrated state. Moreover, excess of sodium electrolytes creates tension and anxiety. All put together, these impact our levels of alertness and concentration. 

So how you know you are dehydrated? 

Following are the symptoms of dehydration: 

  1. Dry Mouth 
  2. Muscle cramps 
  3. Fatigue 
  4. Headaches 
  5. Mood swing 
  6. Foggy thinking 
  7. Lack of focus 
  8. Dark urination 
  9. Constipation 
  10. Sugar craving Brain Fog and Water

There was a Yoga and Meditation Master in India. He used to give personal attention to his students. One day a very enthusiastic student named Anurag joined him. Anurag was a very diligent student and was progressing well in learning and practicing meditation.  

Then after a few months, the Master saw that Anurag was suddenly low on attention and was missing his practice sessions. One day the Master called Anurag and asked him if he was facing any issues with his practice. Anurag was very hesitant, finding it difficult to explain what he was going through. On the Master’s insistence, Anurag said that he was now scared of meditation as he seemed to be facing some ill effects of meditation.   

The Master was shocked but keeping his calm, asked, “What type of ill effects are you facing?” Anurag said “Before meditation I was very enthusiastic and energetic. I never used to feel fatigue but now after a few months of meditation, I have become less enthusiastic and I feel fatigue even after my meditation. I do not feel like doing anything and I seem to waste my time the whole day. I consulted by parents and they told me this is an aftereffect of meditation. They said that if I am too engrossed in focusing on the singular force, I will become detached from society and will be left all alone. Now I am afraid of meditation as it is not suiting me and my way forward in life. I want to achieve things in this world and want to enjoy the luxuries of life. I thought meditation will help me both in my inner and outer growth. But I seem to be losing what I have. I tried coming a few times recently because I gave my commitment to you. But today I was planning to end my meditation classes with you.” 

The Master smiled with compassion and said, “You were suffering so much and you never consulted me?! I admire how you regard me but as your instructor, it is important that you discuss your issues related to meditation with me first. You must give the meditation practice a few more weeks and you will see that you are back on track with far more enthusiasm and energy than you would have thought. However, you need to take care of a few things. First, you need to drink sufficient amount of water in a day. Keep water next to you when meditating. If you feel dizzy, please take a few sips of water. Take proper nutrition in the diet. Go to a health practitioner or doctor to know if you are suffering from any type of nutritional deficiency. If required, get a blood test done. Come back to me after a few days when you have done all of these.” 

Anurag was doubtful but he went ahead and did what master asked him to do. After a few days’ time he came running to the Master and said, “I am not having any nutritional deficiency but was dehydrated. So I have started drinking enough water through the day. Now I feel well and enthusiastic about my work. My meditation is also becoming better. I do not feel fatigue after my meditation. Thank you very much.” 

The Master said with a loving smile, “People have many misconceptions about meditation. Knowing yourself makes you a better human being. The human being who loves others and chooses to work in the world for the higher cause, are perceived as ‘strange’ and hence many stories and misconceptions are prevalent. Next time ask me if you have an issue.” 

Anurag nodded in confirmation.  

So, what do you need to do? 

  1. Drink a few glasses of water in the morning after waking up 
  2. Do not take caffeinated drinks like coffee and tea 
  3. If you drink a few caffeinated drinks, then drink an equal amount of water 
  4. Eat water. Yes! Include fruits which have a high content of water. Like Cucumber, Watermelon and Strawberry which contain 92% water 
  5. If you are doing high level of mental activities, keep water next to you so you stay hydrated  
  6. Drink little warm water wherever and whenever possible 
  7. Create alkaline water by squeezing lemon or lime in the water 
  8. Always drink filtered water as the quality of water is also very important 

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Eat and Drink Water, Stay Healthy and Stress-free!!

Anurag Sahai